Specialist editing by experienced editors & translation experts

Professional editing can make all the difference

Are you unsure whether your text needs editing? If your text is a translation by a non-native speaker, we would always recommend professional editing. However, any texts that are destined to be published and where style is an important factor are likely to benefit from editing.

Overview of services

In the following overview, we explain the different types of corrections we undertake for you in our Proofreading, Editing and Editing plus services.

ProofreadingEditingEditing Plus
Style and expression
Common theme
Structure and organization
Target audience orientation
Footnotes, source references, and bibliography

What does an editor do?

Our language experts are not only excellent translators, they also have an exceptional feel for the finer points of their language, which enables them to provide editing services. Editors will focus on spelling, grammar, expression and style. The more information editors are given about the text, its purpose and target group, the better they will be able to adapt the text to its aim. Editors will not only correct objective mistakes, they will also optimise the style of a text.

Who will edit my text?

Just as for translations, we only use specialist language experts for our editing: A specialist legal translator will edit a contract, whereas a trade fair publication will be edited by a specialist in marketing translation. If the text to be edited is a translation, the text will be checked against the original if available.

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When is editing plus appropriate?

Editing plus is perfect for projects where high standards are required, such as academic papers, business reports or publications in which every sentence counts and the overall impression needs to be convincing. The following checks are carried out in editing plus, in addition to standard editing:

Common theme

There is a clearly defined topic that runs throughout the text. A common theme means an overall logical coherence between all sections of the text. An editor ensures that this theme is clearly identifiable, and that the text does not deviate from it.

Structure and organisation

Texts are rendered more comprehensible when organised in a clear and logical manner. The structure should help readers progress through the text, allowing them to take in and understand the content more easily. Through a clear introduction, a well-structured main section and a conclusion that provides a summary, content can be presented more effectively and retain the attention of readers. An editor can improve the text's organisation and ensure that information is arranged in a sensible way.

Focus on the target group

Different readers and markets require different approaches. An editor helps to adapt the text to optimally meet the needs and expectations of the target group/market, in order to make it more relevant and appealing.

Footnotes, references and reference list

Here, we check and adjust footnotes and references based on the following criteria:
•    Completeness and grammatical correctness of the given information
•    Consistency of information within the references
•    Consistency of information between the footnotes or references and the reference list

Our other text services


Consistently high translation quality relies on a regular post-translation proofreading stage as standard. Find out more here!

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Copyediting service:

At your request, 24translate will provide copyediting of completed translations according to specialist subject requirements or particular style (journalistic) criteria. Find an overview of our copyediting services here.

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Transcreation (= “TRANSlation” + “CREATION”) is the process used by specially trained translators to adapt your marketing materials to the particularities of other target groups and cultures. Find out more here!

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Do you need your translations to be validated by colleagues in branches and subsidiaries in the target-language countries in question? Find out more here about our established validation services.

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SEO translation

Do you want to make sure that your translated website can be found in all search engines and in all languages? Find out more about our SEO expertise!

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