Marketing and PR translations – convincing copy in an appropriate context

More than pure translation

Technical translations require a translator to stick as closely as possible to the source text. The art of the specialist marketing translator, however, is to transform a text into the target language in a way that carries the intended message while moving away creatively from the source text whenever necessary. Specialist marketing translators will make sure they have grasped the core message of a text before creating a translation that carries the same message and tonality in the target language. They are experts of style and familiar with the cultural particularities and differences that can be of great significance with this type of translation. If required, translations will be adapted to the intended target group.

Marketing and PR translations by 24translate

The target group in focus

For optimal results, we need customers to provide as much relevant information concerning the text and its recipients as possible. Whether your text is an invitation letter, a brochure, a press release or a style guide – professional marketing translators are creative. They will translate specialist technology precisely and plays on words appropriately into the target language, with a constant focus on your core message. Find out more in our blog.

Our translation services include:

Translation offer

Have you seen all you need and would like to order the translation of your marketing and PR texts directly online? Nothing could be easier: request your individual translation quote with just a few clicks.

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Transcreation (= “TRANSlation” + “CREATION”) is the process used by specially trained translators to adapt your marketing materials to the particularities of other target groups and cultures. Find out more here.

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Website translation service

Are you looking for the right partner for your internationalisation strategy? Find out more about our website translation expertise!

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SEO translation service

Do you want to make sure that your translated website can be found in all search engines and in all languages? Find out more about our SEO expertise!

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CMS connectors

Do you currently operate or are you planning a multilingual website with dynamic content? Discover how our innovative plug-ins can streamline your translation management!

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Three-stage translations

You need a translation that is just perfect in every respect? Our translations in the “Best” category include additional style editing of your texts.

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