Translation agency for German-Italian & other language combinations

Italian: more than just “dolce vita”
It may be that only around 65 million people speak Italian as their native language, but to degrade it to a “holiday language” would be doing an injustice to this melodious tongue. Italian is an official language of Italy and Switzerland, amongst others – two countries which count among Germany’s ten most important export partners. Italy is one of the largest economies of the Euro zone, and Italian therefore an important language in the export division of many companies.

Italian: official language of four European nations
Alongside French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian, Italian belongs to the great Romance languages which developed from Latin. Italian is an official language of Italy, San Marino, Vatican City and Switzerland. There are few compound nouns in Italian, so it uses significantly more prepositions than German. Italian also tends to use verb constructions where German uses nouns. For this reason, Italian-language texts are around 10 % longer than their German counterparts.
Professional Italian translation services
24translate offers high-quality translations from German into Italian and from Italian into German. All translations are completed by mother-tongue specialist translators who live in the country of the target language – in the case of German-Italian, for example, in Italy or Switzerland. We also support other language combinations involving Italian as the source or target language, for example:
Italian - English
English - Italian -
Italian - Spanish
Spanish - Italian -
Italian - French
French - Italian
Translation offer
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Find out more here about other subjects and services in translation.
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