Top Quality AI Translation™ Harnessing the Power of Human and Machine
The path to optimised translation

Artificial intelligence - ubiquitous in the 21st century
We are already encountering artificial intelligence in many areas of our lives, whether it be the facial recognition feature on our smartphones, self-driving cars, or the voice assistant in our smart home device. Thanks to AI, the frequency of interactions between human and machine is intensifying. Machine learning plays a central role in this: through self-learning algorithms, computers identify highly-complex rules and patterns in training data and can apply these to new, unfamiliar datasets. Deep learning methods and artificial neural networks (ANN) enable high-performance machines to process huge data volumes (Big Data) in a matter of seconds. This has made the artificial reproduction of complex thought, problem-solving and decision-making processes even more efficient.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionising the translation market
Computational linguistics has busied itself with investigating language from a computing perspective for some time now, influencing the development of search engines, chatbots and word processing programmes. Neural machine translation (NMT) was developed using deep learning technology and enables the automated translation of a source text into a target text. The quality of these translations is impressive and the output is considerable: Machines are already translating over a billion words every day - more words than all the human translators in the world translate in a whole year. Despite the technological advances, the human factor remains a key part of the success, however. Peculiarities and nuances such as specialist terminology, grammar, thematic connections and underlying messages spread across multiple sentences can only be adequately addressed by human post-editing. Processing the results of machine generated translation is changing the nature of the industry: established processes must be overhauled and the requirements placed on language experts involved in the process must be re-evaluated.
24|AI - the fastest way to produce high-quality translations that harness the collective power of human and machine
24|AI from 24translate is the most efficient solution for premium quality translations. Using highly automated processes, optimisations based on computational linguistics, integrated QM tools and our professional language experts, who refine translations with a final, human touch, 24|AI can achieve hitherto unprecedented results. One thing is beyond doubt: humans, with their emotional and social skills and ethical principles, will continue to play a vital role. The optimal interaction between human and machine is crucial for sustainable future success.
With more than 20 years of experience as an independent provider of language services, and as a software developer with its own team of linguists, 24translate is the ideal partner for artificial intelligence in the translation industry. Step into the digital future now or optimise your existing translation solutions! Get in touch with us - we will be delighted to help you find the perfect solution.

Duel or duet? In this free white paper, you can learn more about:
- the interplay of human and machine in the translation market
- the use of machine translation systems and when this makes sense
- the types of texts best suited to machine translation
- IT security and data protection in the translation process
- the opportunities and limitations inherent in machine translation services
Download the white paper here!

Making the right decisions:
our checklist for the successful introduction of machine translation will help you here. Being successful with AI-supported translation systems - we show you how it works.
You can download the checklist here!
Additional information on translating with the help of artificial intelligence can be found here:
Additional text services
If you have further questions,
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