Delivery within two working days

Sometimes, translations are needed quickly. You have set the date of the meeting to sign the contract of purchase with your French business associates. Two days before the appointment, it turns out that the contract has not yet been translated. Contact us straight away! Generally speaking, one translator team, consisting of one mother-tongue specialist translator and one proofreader, can translate around 200 DIN lines per day (one DIN A4 page tends to include around 30 DIN lines). One DIN line is equivalent to 55 keystrokes (characters including spaces) of the Latin alphabet. Depending on the level of difficulty and the number of repetitions in the text, translation of larger volumes may be manageable. In cases such as the one above, we will be pleased to provide, say, a 10-page contract document translation from French into German within 48 hours.

An overview of our other delivery speeds.

Find more detailed information about our other delivery speeds here.

Express delivery (3h+)

Orders of express translations are delivered within a few hours.

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24-hour delivery

If you choose 24-hour delivery, your translation will be available the next working day, depending on the time you place your order.

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Standard delivery

Our standard delivery speed (at no extra cost) delivers your translations within three to five working days, depending on the volume of text.

Find out more

If you have further questions,

call us at +41 71 226 46 56 or use our free return call service*:

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